Human resources & Administration
Alexia Chiriță
Human Resources & Administrative Agent

Hi there! I'm Alexia and I'm a 10th grader at Gheorghe Lazăr National College. Besides MUNs, I'm also a big fan of photography, economics, psychology and management. I would describe myself as a busy bee, as I always find new activities to take part in and fill my time. I joined the Human Resources team of Delegate Snapshots wishing that I'll add a bonus to the project and that I'll get to know many extraordinary people!
Ștefan Marin
Human Resources & Administration Director

Hi! I’m Stefan and I’m in tenth grade at “Gheorghe Lazăr” National College. I’ve just joined the Human Resources team and I’m really excited about it. I consider myself, right now, a beginner in MUNs, but, fortunately, I’m a fast learner, so this isn’t really a problem. I like to fill my time by getting involved in all sorts of activities, as I really enjoy working in teams with amazing people.
Diana Moisescu
Human Resources & & Administrative Agent

Hello there! I’m Diana, a 10th grader at Gheorghe Lazar National College and a very enthusiastic person to join the Human Resources team of this project. I consider myself a friendly person, open-minded, energetic and who knows how to enjoy everything around her. I am passionate about everything related to psychology, economics and marketing. I love to get involved in as many volunteers or projects as possible and I can't wait to get started!
Sara Coțoveală
Human Resources & Administrative Agent
Hi! I’m Sara. I’m a sophomore at Saint Sava National College. My MUN journey has started recently, but I've quickly come to appreciate the conferences, as well as the community, which is why I’m so excited about this project. MUNs represent a great way to combine some of my passions: foreign languages, debate, sociology and politics (all while meeting amazing people). I like to challenge myself as much as possible and I also enjoy volunteering and travelling.