Environmental law

Even though we are aware of the effects pollution has on us, many people seem to question them. Why? Because they don’t want to accept that the human race is destroying the most precious thing that we have, our habitat. For instance, the climate is acting very strangelyall around the world and extreme weather conditions occur more often than ever before. However, some people believe that this climate is owed to nature on its own, having nothing to do with pollution. Well, it has been scientifically proven that the main reason why there’s little or no snow at all during the winter (in places where it is supposed to be) is environmental pollution. The more we pollute, the hotter the Earth gets. Therefore, at some point, the globe is going to be so hot, we won’t be able to keep living.
In addition, there are so many things that nature offers us. If we destroy it, we won’t get them anymore. Could you picture living in a world with no resources to live off of? No water to drink, no food to eat and no air to breathe? If we release chemicals into the air, it gets polluted, which could only result in the people and animals breathing it, to get sick. Same happens to water or food. The food we eat mostly comes from trees and plantations or farms, which are influenced by nature, and the water we drink comes from a variety of different bodies of water. Maybe you find it unbelievable, but this might be our planet in less than a few centuries if we don’t start taking care of it!
Since I am not the only one knowing about this, in fact the government has been aware of the effects of pollution ever since 1988, they have started taking action, by implementing environmental laws, in order to deal with air and water quality, waste management, chemical safety or hunting and fishing.
What is Environmental law?
As one of humanity’s most important rules, Environmental law consists of a variety of regulations, agreements, laws and common law that deals with how people interact with their surroundings. Its main goal is to protect humanity's habitat, so it creates different rules for how people can use natural resources. They also decide who is allowed to use these resources and on what terms, trying to cut down pollution, regulate the use of natural resources, or taking care of mineral harvesting, forest protection, as well as protecting many animal and fish species from going extinct, because of hunting and fishing.
These laws deal with a wide range of topics. For instance, the ones which handle air quality, protect the air from damageslike ozone depletion, or find ways that might help reduce pollution.
Who practices this kind of law?
Any environmental lawyer is able to work in both private and public practice. They can represent large law firms, individuals in small firms or solo practice, or they can work as in-house counsel. They might also work with the United States Environmental Protection agency, serving as administrative judges, who hear allegations of rule violations.
Also, the environmental lawyers can help corporations understand and comply with regulations. Some corporations like to work with independent counsel, so an attorney with private practice could have a single client during their entire career as an environmental lawyer.
What does an environmental lawyer do and what skills do you need in order to succeed in this field?
These kinds of attorneys have to represent their clients in formal court or administrative hearings, or they have to negotiate resolutions with multiple EPA lawyers. Therefore, in order to be a great environmental lawyer, and succeed in this sphere of law, they have to be effective negotiators. They also need great speaking and trial advocacy skills, since they have to represent their clients at hearings, depositions and in front of political bodies.
If they choose to act for corporate clients, the environmental lawyers usually give advice on the possible consequences related to the harm of nature that certain activities might bring with them, such as increased pollution, carbon emissions, or health and safety implications.
Some cases (like the litigation ones, which might occurmore frequently than you would think) could require big sums of money and could have terrible ramifications for a client, as cases can be pursued through both the civil and criminal courts. Therefore, lawyers have to represent their clients in both administrative hearings and formal court and negotiate with EPA attorneys.
These kinds of lawyers are all around the world. Since a lot of them work for international companies, it might mean traveling internationally or a permanent international assignment. However, corporations have to comply with environmental issues throughout the United States, so they rely on lawyers, who have to do with the US.
Working for the government and with it are two different jobs. In the first case, lawyers advise and draft legislation and litigation, while in the second option, they act for a particular client in an advisory, litigious and regulator capacity.
Also, if they choose to work for the EPA, in the regulatory field, they are responsible for drafting legislation, prosecution and regulation.
How can you help the environment without working in this field?
Of course, environmental lawyers have a very big contribution to decreasing pollution or other activities, such as excessive hunting or waste management, which help nature to be harmed less, but there are also many ways through which you can get involved and help as much as possible, even without pursuing in this area.
For instance, plastic items such as straws, disposable cups, plates, water bottles, or grocery bags have more environmentally responsible counterparts, since they all have to go somewhere, so they end up polluting our lands, oceans and marine life. If you want to help, you could use reusable things. This way, you can cut down on litter and prevent animals from getting a hold of them.
Other options would be trying to save electricity or water, by using solar panels or energy efficient lightbulbs instead of the basic ones, because they will last for longer. You can turn off the lights or water when you don’t need them, as well.
If you wish you could do even more, you could look into becoming vegan. Although many people are debating whether this is or not a great idea, asking a nutritionist about it can do no harm. So, if you decide to make this change into your life afterwards, you will help the planet a lot, by diminishing the number of animals killed for food or other products.
Overall, the only way in which we could save humanity is by protecting the environment, because otherwise, we won’t be able to live off the resources provided by it. This is why the world has come up with multiple environmental laws, which could help or harm certain corporations, agencies, or even individuals. So, this is where the environmental lawyers come in, in order to help their clients as much as possible.
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