Letter from the Founders
Hey everyone! Delegate Snapshots Team here. We have just launched this magazine a couple of days ago, but we are already overwhelmed by all of the support you have shown us. Even though we have recently showcased you on the Instagram page the idea, concept and team behind this true passion project, we all wanted to offer all of you even more insight into the behind the scenes that has been going on in order to start this magazine. So, without further ado (I already feel like I am writing too much for this introduction), here are the founders of the magazine, who are going to tell you, in a few words, what the project means to them (or us, gosh, this is so confusing).

IRINA: The Delegate Snapshots magazine is for you, the (potential) MUNer. The idea of creating an online magazine that pictures the insights of the MUN world came in the middle of the night, for you. Delegate Snapshots is an ambitious project started by 3 high schoolers who want to put all their passion, talent, and potential in making the MUN world accessible to everybody, so it’s my biggest pleasure to present you this magazine and to have you here as a reader! I really hope that our articles and interviews are going to inspire you, motivate you, inform you, and update you with materials regarding both the MUN world and the global issues! I really hope that Delegate Snapshots is going to increase your appetite and curiosity for MUNs, and last, but not least, I really hope that Delegate Snapshots is going to contribute to the evolution of the MUN Community!

IRIS: For me, Delegate Snapshots represents the place where the entire MUN community, both those who have just started attending conferences and those who are nearing the end of their extensive MUN 'career', can truly come together and enjoy quality articles on topics which most interest them. Through this magazine, we aim to capture the spirit of the community, through articles ranging from the work of each UN committee to present and past global issues. Aside from my immense passion for MUN conferences, I decided to take upon this project because I have always loved journalistic writing and I am utterly overjoyed by the prospect of combining these two passions of mine. I hope that this magazine will bring together even more the already close-knit MUN community and that it will inspire others to try their hand at MUN conferences, as they discover their incredible allure through our articles.

NOEMI: In my case, Delegate Snapshots represents one of the first visible connections I have ever had with the MUN world. Through this magazine, I have come to feel so much closer to these conferences that mean so much to some of my closest friends and now to me as well. There is so much to this magazine that makes it incredibly special to me, but the main reason I wanted to be a part of it is because of my passion for visual arts. This project holds a significant importance to me, not only because through it I can do what I am most passionate about, but also thanks to it offering me the chance to work with some amazing people. I hope this magazine will become at least half as meaningful to you as it is to me, but mostly I hope you find every visual creative and you see it as a beautiful addition to the articles.
We hope that now, after you've seen why each one of us has taken upon this project and what it means to us, Delegate Snapshots will become a dear magazine to you as well. Oh, and before I forget: keep your eyes on our social media for the next couple of days...some pretty special things are coming soon.